Electrophoretic displays driven by all-oxide thin-film transistor backplanes fabricated using a solution process
Satoshi Inoue, Tue Trong Phan, Tomoko Hori, Hiroaki Koyama and Tatsuya Shimoda
Green Device Research Center, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa 923-1211, Japan
physica status solidi (a) Volume 212, Issue 10, pages 2133–2140, October 2015
Samco ICP etching system was used for plasma etching of the Ruthenium Oxide (RuO2), Zr-In-Zn-O (ZIZO), Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) films.
Our process capabilites of SiO2 dry etching can be found in the page below.
SiO2 Dry Etching Process (RIE or ICP-RIE)